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SciFi and Fantasy

Discounted BookSave Him
Military scientist Rydel Scott has discovered time travel. He also believes he’s received a message from God. The message: go back in time and save Jesus Christ from being crucified. When a secret mission involving one of his inventions goes horribly wrong, Rydel obsessively tries to learn what caused the system failure and, in doing so, stumbles upon a physics-bending ability to travel through time. Overworked and massively sleep-deprived, Rydel believes he has received a message from God—save God’s son. And the man of science embarks on a world-changing quest to rescue Jesus. As he covers his tracks to journey back undetected, he neglects to factor in the consequences of a devastating butterfly effect. And he’s terrified to discover The Unit, a highly-trained team of elite soldiers, is hunting him down to stop him from making choices that could upend all of human history. Will The Unit find Rydel before he alters the past? And, if they find him…

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Discounted BookExecutive Action
For a company that mines asteroids, discovering a shortcut to 61 Cygni and its untapped resources should be good news, right? Dek Conrad knew better. He had kept his small company under the radar for decades. He had to. His company was a twentieth the size of the megacorporations. But his discovery put Conrad in the crosshairs of the biggest of those megacorps, TCP. TCP would stop at nothing, absolutely nothing, to get Conrad’s find. And he can’t just sell it to them. Because Conrad’s guarding a secret. His entire company is guarding a secret. A secret so important, they’re willing to die to protect it. And TCP is about to make them prove it.

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Discounted BookDeath’s Lady
Sometimes the past does not let go. Daniel Dodson, a gifted psychiatrist, finds himself presented with a mysterious new patient. The world of swords and magic Tenai so vividly remembers obviously can’t be real. The deadly enmity and long war that left such deep emotional scars plainly symbolize something else. But perhaps Daniel can use the signposts of her imagined past to aid Tenai in moving forward into a new life in the real world. Daniel’s hopes seem to be fulfilled … until Tenai’s enemies pull her back into her own world. Daniel, pulled with her into a world where magic lies waiting within every deep shadow and every flickering candle flame, finds himself struggling to protect himself, his daughter Jenna, and Tenai herself in a battle against hidden enemies. Forced into unwilling cooperation with these enemies, Daniel must find a way to defy their plans, protect his daughter, and help Tenai overcome the shadows of her past — before it’s too late.

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