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Discounted BookMaster of the Hoard
A new world of magic and violence. One crazy starting bonus. Major downside: No thumbs! Carl was a regular construction foreman. Not the worst, not the best, and definitely not the thinnest. Even so, he didn’t deserve that heart attack! He really didn’t deserve being reborn into a magic-filled, dog-eat-dog world as a dragon. To be fair, it’s nice to be at the top of the food chain. Now Carl just needs to learn how magic works, which monsters are safe to eat, and why his hoard is so important to him. Dealing with everything changing is hard enough, but he has enemy dragons incoming, hostile environments, and foes constantly trying to get bragging rights by taking down a dragon. At the end of the day, Carl needs to learn how to build a life worth living in a world where might makes right.

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Discounted BookAn Always You Box Set: Book 1 – 3
Book 1 – Right Under My Nose. My life couldn’t get any more ridiculous. A few days ago, my son’s teacher wanted to berate me on my parenting style. I politely told her to back off, in so many words. And now? She’s sitting across the table from me at my first blind date in years. Great. Nothing has been easy since my wife left Hunter and me years ago. And yet, we persevered. He’s my whole world, and the last thing I have time for is a woman. But this beautiful teacher disagrees. She wants to help me find the right girl for me and my boy. My best friend agrees. It’s time. To shut everyone up, I go along with it. How bad can this get? Don’t ask. You’d laugh if you knew. The right woman has been under my nose the whole time. And without realizing it, I’ve fallen deeply in love with her. I can only hope she’ll stop her silly search and accept my offer. Be mine. Forever.

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Discounted BookROAN: An Urban Fantasy Novel From The Tales Of Conor Archer, vol.1
Some stories can’t be easily explained by science. Take your steps carefully as you venture into the world of “ROAN: The Tales of Conor Archer,” where ancient mysteries collide with modern science in an electrifying blend of fantasy, suspense, and adventure. Orphaned and alone, Conor Archer returns to his hometown only to find himself thrust into a web of secrets and danger. With the help of newfound friends—Jace, the charismatic captain of the football team, and Beth, his fiercely loyal twin sister—Conor embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic ‘Dark Ones’ and their connection to an ancient river demon and a shapeshifter lurking in the nearby Indian Burial mound. But as Conor delves deeper into the mysteries of his past, he finds himself caught in a high-stakes battle between myth and science. With the sinister biogenetics company DIOGENE hot on his trail, Conor must navigate a treacherous landscape of lies and deceit, where courage and heroism shine amidst rising terror and darkness. Perfect for fans of epic fantasy and thrilling suspense, “ROAN: The Tales of Conor Archer” is a spellbinding coming-of-age story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

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Discounted BookThe Mister Series Collection
Mr. Mayfair. My boyfriend is getting married. Okay, technically he’s my ex-boyfriend. Two months ago he decided he wanted a break. I still thought he was my happily ever after. On any other day, knowing he was gone for good would be the worst thing that could possibly happen. But not today. Because not only is my boyfriend getting married—his bride is my best friend. And they’ve sent me an invitation. There’s no way I’m going to attend. I don’t care if it’s in beautiful Scotland. Nothing and no one could convince me. Not even when a deliciously handsome stranger tells me he needs to go as my plus one. Not even when he shoots me a wickedly, sexy smile. But then he offers me the opportunity of a lifetime—a dream come true. How can I say no? I have one condition. He has to be my new boyfriend. I mean, my pretend new boyfriend. Mr. Knightsbridge. I’m not a good boyfriend. But I am the most successful jeweler of my generation, a loyal friend and some say the most eligible bachelor in London.

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Discounted BookWinning in the Virtual Workplace
Do you want to become a first-class leader of remote and hybrid employees? Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just starting out and have no idea what you’re doing, Winning in the Virtual Workplace can help you gain knowledge for your leadership journey in the world of remote and hybrid work. With this book, you’ll be able to: Tap into expert insights: Gain knowledge from 10 experts in virtual leadership on essential topics like communication, accountability, and continuous improvement. Discover the virtual leadership framework: Connect Emotional Intelligence to critical aspects of virtual organizations and integrate Emotional Intelligence into the heart of your workplace. Enhance virtual meetings: Implement practical tips to have a more intentional approach to virtual communication. Connect with your virtual or hybrid team: Learn strategies to help you win at remote work and better support your team. Published by National University’s Center for the Advancement of Virtual Organizations, Winning in the Virtual Workplace can help you elevate your remote work skills. Grab it today so you can better lead your virtual or hybrid team!

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Discounted BookWitch Mirror
Reflections of a wicked witch. Bryce and I are trying to revive Alondra’s old metaphysical history class. We’re in college again, this time teaching. But It’s stressful under our former teacher’s shadow. Not only that, there’s a new demon-witch messing with my love life. So I’m going through that again. Well, at least this time I have Alondra’s magic to protect me. Actually, not only do I have her magic, her spirit is inside me, possessing me. But don’t worry, Alondra’s ghost is a positive force here to help Hawthorne. I mean…are you good, Alondra? A witch council is gathering at my house to reflect on ways to save us. They’re convinced Alondra is evil, but Alondra and I are unsure they know what they’re doing. Well, if I can’t hold things together—inside and outside of myself—I fear my plans of finishing graduate school at Hawthorne U. and starting a family are going to shatter.

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