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Darkness Falls
An electromagnetic pulse attack instantly disables all electronics, plunging society into chaos. As humanity dwindles, gangs form and starvation spreads across a lawless land. Maria and her fellow survivors navigate this perilous new reality at the border, their every step a battle for survival. Local law enforcement and emergency services, now powerless, face overwhelming challenges.

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Seaside Cowboy’s Best Friend
A strict, career-minded lawyer, an easygoing flirtatious cowboy, a mysterious disappearance, and a mischievous puppy… Can childhood friends with opposing personalities become more? Back in her small coastal town, divorced and heartbroken lawyer Marina Helms is a fish out of water helping in her mom’s seafood restaurant kitchen. Then Marina lands in hot water when she agrees to help her best friend, Kai Lawrence, find the brother he didn’t know he had. She just needs to keep her crush on Kai under wraps until she goes back to her demanding job and lackluster life. A part-time cowboy, part-time pirate impersonator, and full-time player, Kai wanted Marina to spread her wings. But his protective instincts flare up when he inadvertently leads her into danger. He can’t walk away now. And he can’t put a lid on his feelings, either. Will their dangerous search unite them—or lead to disaster? Welcome to Port Sunshine, a small coastal town where a family of cowboy brothers discover the treasures of love and uncover the mysteries of their pasts!

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An Eye for an Eye
Whoever said that crime doesn’t pay hasn’t been to East London recently. DC Kendra March and her partner are given the unenviable task of bringing down a vicious gang who rule the East End of London with an iron fist. A lapse in judgement, however, leads to a catastrophic turn of events. As she recovers from horrific injuries, Kendra realises that the justice system is failing the people of London. Taking the law into her own hands—literally—she recruits her now disabled partner and her criminally connected father and sets out to put things right. It is time to take the fight to the criminals—and there is no going back. The debut book of the critically acclaimed ‘Summary Justice’ series, British crime thrillers with a twist, featuring DC Kendra March and her skilled team of operatives that set out to dispense justice… as we’d all like to see it. The ‘Summary Justice’series is ideal for fans of J.D Kirk, L.J Ross, J M Dalgliesh, Rachel McLean and Alex Smith, among others.

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Sleuths for Hire
Caught red-handed. Lucinda Ware and Thea Calvoy, her cousin, supplement their modest incomes by donning their sleuthing caps and offering their discreet services to catch store thieves, expose light-fingered guests, and resolve blackmail threats. A recommendation from one of their satisfied clients has attracted a lucrative assignment. However, keeping a wary eye on a young heiress tests their skills, more so as they find themselves investigating a band of thieves, with the ring-leader intent on playing a cat and mouse game to cover their deadly intentions. With Lucinda and Thea busy navigating the treacherous waters of the social season, and dealing with a house full of unique guests, they are nearly caught off guard by a truly cunning and wicked adversary. If they don’t act swiftly, an innocent person could end up dead.

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Second David Trials and Tribulations
Vast wealth and greed! Envy, trickery, lust, murder, and underhanded power grabs! Family death pacts, royal incest, and assassination attempts! Ensnared human sacrifice, and stark battles with Goliath’s four vengeful Philistine brothers! Harrowing escape from a rebellious takeover of David’s Jerusalem capital! This isn’t your 21st-century tabloid headlines—it’s all in the same Bible that you THOUGHT you knew. David and Solomon! – Bathsheba and Absalom! – General Joab (David’s chief henchman), and Nathan, the fabled prophet! Joseph Ganci’s new must-read novel is a time machine, transporting the reader into ancient biblical times where the kingdom’s of Judah and Israel vi for David’s affection causing an insurrection. Revealed here in this volume are all the back-story intrigues, the previously unforeseen mysteries, and all the private AND public violence that defined David’s later reign. You already know the “big” stories of King David. Here are the REST of his victories, his escapes, his back-room compromises, and the revelatory understandings that completed his forty-year reign. Enjoy!

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Remembering Demons
A mind fractured by tragedy. An asylum filled with dark secrets. An invisible gnome with a pet chicken. Daryl’s therapy uncovers a blood-stained past of pain and death, alongside something dormant within him of frightening power. When Dr. Walker teaches him how to face his own very literal demons, the psychosis-induced hallucinations and dreams conspire to warn him of something much worse stalking him. Something ancient and evil. To survive, Daryl must confront the repressed memories that drove him insane.

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