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Discounted BookLiving with Pancreatic Cancer: A Patient and Family Guide
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer the future looks scary and uncertain. What treatment options are there? What will your quality of life be? How do you talk to your family about your diagnosis? What are the financial implications? If you find yourself with more questions than answers then you need Living with Pancreatic Cancer. This book is here to encourage and uplift you as you navigate your new reality, and empower you to be the driver in your health journey. Living with Pancreatic Cancer is a comprehensive resource for patients and their loved ones as they traverse diagnosis, treatment options, and life with pancreatic cancer. It emphasizes the need for a collaborative approach to patient care between physicians and patients, and seeks to be that bridge to ensure everyone living with this disease has the resources and knowledge to be their own healthcare champion.

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Discounted BookSapiens Reinvented
Have you ever wondered why humans, despite centuries of evolution and progress, still grapple with a deeply ingrained penchant for aggression and violence? Sapiens Reinvented by Jim Loehr not only explores this perplexing question but delves deep into the genetic codes that have shaped our species’ history of conflict and survival. This groundbreaking book unravels the heart-wrenching consequences of our genetic predispositions and exposes how the dehumanization of those considered different or threatening has justified unspeakable atrocities under the guise of survival and moral superiority. Through the lens of history, Sapiens Reinvented demonstrates how these primal urges have crafted our moral compass, influencing our notions of right and wrong across millennia. Yet, amidst this stark analysis lies a beacon of hope. The book presents a revolutionary solution, underpinned by cutting-edge research in neuroscience, epigenetics, and social-emotional learning. It introduces a meticulously designed 20-week training regimen aimed at today’s youth—the beacon of hope for fostering a generation rooted in compassion and empathy.

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