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Calculated Risk
He carries the burden of his mistakes. The wounds on Jason Gonzalez’s body are nothing compared to the ones on his heart. The former Marine avoids getting close to anyone new, especially his gorgeous next-door neighbor. Until he hears a scream coming from her house in the middle of the night. Her enemies are too numerous to count. Addison Foster escaped an abusive marriage and has become an advocate for others. When an intruder breaks into her home and nearly kills her, Addison is rescued by an unlikely protector. But the threats against her aren’t over and she needs help. Danger around every corner. Jason makes it his mission to keep Addison safe, but keeping her out of his heart proves impossible. As the threats increase, there’s no room for mistakes. Will his calculated risk pay off or will it end in tragedy? Each book in the series can be read as a standalone. The Triumph Over Adversity Series: Calculated Risk, Critical Error, Necessary Peril, Strategic Plan, Covert Mission, Tactical Force.

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Cowboy Stealing My Heart
Five divorces, three boys, one snowstorm and two people who want to be anywhere other than where they are. Only God could use it all to make a beautiful love story. Bellamy Levine is the highest paid actress in Hollywood, but she just inked her name on her fifth divorce settlement and her personal life is in shambles. Again. She vows it’s for the last time. That’s why she’s rented the entire vacation spot in rural North Dakota and intends to spend the holidays alone, figuring out what she’s going to do with her life. Calhaun Powers was blindsided when an old classmate rolls into Sweet Water claiming the oldest of her three boys is his. He knows for a fact the kid isn’t his son, but he finds himself watching all three kids while he renovates vacation houses for his neighbor. God seems to be testing him in a strange way when he ends up snowed in with Hollywood’s biggest movie star – five times divorced – and three boys who aren’t his, but who need a dad…and a mom. Can two people who come from completely different worlds find common ground and build a family together?

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