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Marc Kadella Mystery Series Vol 3-6
In the third The third Marc Kadella legal mystery, an adorable—and photogenic—two-year-old girl is kidnapped, and, when her remains are found, her twenty-two-year-old widowed mother Brittany is charged with her murder. But before she can even be charged she’s been tried and convicted by the media, at the center of which is Melinda Pace, a cynical, mostly-functioning alcoholic Minneapolis television personality with a “legal news” show called The Court Reporter. Not even in the alternative universe of television news could she be described as a reporter, since she makes no attempt at or pretense of presenting the truth, or even the facts. She does do a great job of producing through-the-roof ratings and whipping the public into a frenzy—with tragic consequences.

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Team Destiny and Gray’s Grave
The Goddess called. Team Destiny answered.
Who is Team Destiny you ask? Well, we’re a rag-tag bunch of witches and werewolves, with a Shaman and a couple of lawmen thrown in for good measure. When the Goddess needs help, we’re there for Her.
Sounds like some kind of science fiction or fantasy movie flick, doesn’t it?
Nope. Just my life as I now know it.

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