Golfer’s Guide to Money
Let’s be honest, most personal finance books are boring at best and overwhelming at worst. Most of us would rather be digging in our heels for an impossible bunker shot than trying to digest the latest best-seller on budgeting or stock market investing. That’s about to change. Believe it or not, the game of golf and managing personal finances have a lot in common. They both require a sound strategy, confident decision-making, and execution. Inside Golfer’s Guide to Money, you’ll learn how the game of golf and the fundamentals of personal finance intersect.
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The Ultimate Guide to Success
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SUCCESS is the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of success. Drawing on over 5,000 hours of research, this book reveals the complete journey of achievement. Including multiple charts, graphs, and world-class case studies, The Ultimate Guide to Success uncovers the success principles of some of the greatest athletes, entertainers, authors, and entrepreneurs of our time. Providing both an interesting and informative roadmap, this book covers contemporaries such as Oprah Winfrey, Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lopez, and Kanye West.
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