Making the Tough Decisions
According to research, each and every one of us faces about 35,000 decisions every day. When I first read that number, it shocked me. I would have easily guessed 1000 per day but there are so many types of decisions that I never considered. We can make impulsive decisions, decisions of compliance, we delegate things to others, sometimes we try our level best to avoid, but that in itself is a decision. We balance, prioritize, and reflect. In this crazy modern world in which we live, life is filled with opportunities for us to either get better, or fall from our best. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
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The Meditation Book
A lifelong yoga and meditation practitioner, with 45-years’ experience, he needed the mental healing power immediately if he wanted to survive. But more than that, he needed to do a deep dive into who he was and who he wanted to be. As he made his journey, Blair realized that he could help others. Would you like to be able to feel more alive, peaceful, and loving? Attracting good people and the circumstances that lead to abundance can be learned by anyone.
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