Witch in the White City
Neva’s goals at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago are simple. Enjoy the spectacle—perhaps the greatest the United States has ever put on (the world’s fair to end all world’s fairs!). Perform in the exposition’s Algerian Theatre to the best of her abilities. And don’t be found out as a witch.
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All Mine
When the new hot guy in town turns out to be the wealthy developer threatening Lauren’s bakery, she declares war. If Camden Carter thinks he can waltz into town, flash that panty-melting smile, and take my business away without a fight – well, he’s sorely misjudged this southern girl. That arrogant big city boy is no match for me.
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The Sins of Others
1993. The war-torn Bosnian countryside. Jane Abbott, a seasoned English conflict zone photographer who is no longer easily surprised, is surprised. Stunned, in fact, to’ve come across the son of THE notorious Ingrid Heimlich—who, until her traceless disappearance twenty years ago, had been the world’s most infamous leftist terrorist. Ben Heimlich, the stranded German kid and wannabe reporter she has picked up by the roadside, is either fearless or incredibly naïve—though probably naïve—and were it not for the platoon of Serbian partisans who intercept them on their way, she’d pestered him incessantly with questions of his mother’s whereabouts.
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Great Balls of Fury
Welcome to Chipping Cheddar, where supernaturals are hidden in plain sight… Annoying but loving family? Check. Picturesque small town with a hot police chief? Check. A rescue hellhound, a black cat with attitude, and a pet python that thinks he’s a puppy? Triple check.
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