One In A Million
Kyle Fasano has it all: a good job, a loving family, and a house on the hill. Still, it’s not enough. Risking it all, he has a fling with a woman at work. He knows better, but she offers a simple temptation. Unfortunately, Kyle’s lover is not at all what she seems to be. When she mysteriously plummets to her death from their hotel room, Kyle becomes the prime suspect for two detectives from East Los Angeles determined to track him down. But not is all is as it seems to be in this case. Not even close. As he flees from the law with everything to lose, Kyle Fasano is about to discover that every decision in life has a consequence and some of them? Some of them can even cost you your soul.
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Crystal White
With Nothing Left to Live for, Will Even Death Satisfy His Need For Revenge? And if so, Whose? In California, DEA agent Nick Lafferty led the investigation to eradicate a new and deadly form of synthetic crack cocaine called Crystal White. An investigation that took from him everything he cherished,and left Lafferty a broken man. A man with nothing to live for. Now, the street poison Crystal White again floods the streets, this time in the northern suburbs of New York City.
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The Let Me Go Series:
Twins, Gabby and Olivia, and their little sister Emma, live and die by their secrets. To survive, they learn to hide from their own memories. Disaster, however, has a way of dredging up the past, ripping up the framework of lies, and bringing families together, for better or worse. If there is to be healing among the three of them, the truth of these scrappy sisters must be brought to light. But can they first walk down the darkest of all roads to redemption? Is there even such a thing as happily ever after when your closets are full of shameful skeletons that still haunt you?
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