In this military thriller, a freak storm reveals a city hidden deep under the largest sand dunes of the Sahara. A silver pyramid at the centre of the city is emitting a strange energy signal. The race is on to secure the energy source and other treasures of the city.
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When Cassandra Sashakovich, a bright but arrogant economist and consultant, is in Riyadh completing a financial forecasting assignment, her cover is blown by a mole from her intelligence agency. A covert agent whose call sign is “Swiftshadow,” she barely survives an encounter with a hit man and escapes to Washington, where she is fired by her agency for becoming a liability. Hunted by terrorists who fear she may have hacked details of their pending operation, Cassie must identify the mole and neutralize the terrorists to recover her life. She finds help in the arms of another rogue agent, Lee Ainsley, and learns how to deal with life on the run from a homeless teen, Ann Silbee.
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