Dress Yourself Slim
It’s time to say “no more” to the endless images of skinny women that we’ve been bombarded with all our lives. We are ready for change. We‘re taking back the power and embracing the splendor and beauty of our amazing bodies.
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Maybe You Will Survive
In Graham Diamond”s collaboration with Aron Goldfarb, the reader feels the struggles of people trying to survive during the Holocaust. The author recounts his experiences in Poland during the Holocaust, when he escaped from a forced labor camp and, with his brother, hid in underground holes on the grounds of an estate controlled by the Gestapo.
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In Asia, the greatest Empire that the world had known, lead by an enigmatic monarch, was preparing for genocide. The great Persian King Xerxes, tasted the blood of revenge against the Greek Peninsula. He had a specific hatred for Athens, as he viewed that city and its radical beliefs as the root of all evil in the world. He could not rid his throat of the taste of defeat at Marathon. He promised his dead relatives and his God, that he would lay waste to Athens. And yet, such an undertaking was costly and dangerous. So even though he had set the wheels of revenge in motion, he hesitated and sought assurances of the righteousness of his decision.
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