Buck Fever
Buck Fever: It’s the week before deer hunting season, as close to a statewide holiday as you get in Texas, and the locals are getting restless. Game Warden John Marlin has his hands full with poaching complaints coming in faster than he can write out-of-season tickets. Then a call of a different sort comes in. A man dressed up in some sort of deer costume has been shot at the Circle S ranch, and witnesses are reporting a massive wild-eyed buck prancing about the pasture in a lovesick frenzy.
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The New Orleans Go Cup Chronicles
All the fun of Mardi Gras—without the hangover! Colleen Mooney’s funny, romantic, delightfully meandering cozy mysteries gua-ran-tee you gon’ have a authentic Noo Awlins experience, dawlin’! And a wild ride into the bargain. Brandy Alexander’s the real deal–yes, that’s her real name and she’s not even a stripper, although her best friend Julia is.
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